Roof Inspections and Roof Reports
Using a roofing professional for your roof’s inspection allows you to avoid all sorts of expensive and time consuming problems.
Our qualified tradesmen will thoroughly check your roof for wear and tear and offer the best recommendations for roofing repairs if necessary.
After a roof inspection, you will be given a detailed report, with photos, so you have all the facts to make informed decisions about your investment.
By detecting flaws early, roof inspections can help you save a significant amount on maintenance and operational costs.

The Benefits of Getting a Roof Inspection
Identifying minor repairs and being able to repair them before they become bigger and more expensive problems down the road.
Checking for weathering and ageing
A roof inspection can call to attention weathered areas. As roofs naturally age, openings may occur and lead to water infiltration. -
Checking your drains
​Your drains and gutters require regular care to ensure they are working effectively. -
Detecting leaks
It is important to be proactive and detect potential leaks before they happen. -
Saving you money
Having your roof inspected may save you money on roofing repairs and maintenance over the long term. -
Giving you peace of mind
A roof inspection ensures that you know the current state of your roof and what course of action is required (if any) to ensure its safety and security.

Did you know?
Even a small amount of hail damage can shorten the life of your roof.
Some insurance company assessors may miss the small dents on your roof.
If your claim has been denied, we can do an inspection to make sure there is no damage.
If we find any evidence of damage, we will detail a report for your insurance company.
Often this will get them to reassess and approve your claim.